Welcome to the low impact community adventure...

... an occasional blog based on the research for a book of stories, 'The Ecology of Community' about an exploration of communities in the UK that are living lightly and lowering their carbon emissions...

It's a blog which hopes to connect inspiring and alternative stories about living lightly .. showing how our journey to a post-carbon future is one about inspiration, resourcefulness and creativity, and coming together, rather than fear and guilt and doom.

It documents my journey as I join with others to see how groups of people are taking power into their own hands, learning useful skills for a post-oil world

And, by looking at what communities are doing - not just intentional communities, but the concept of community: cooperative groups, structures, traditional and new communities, islands, housing estates, communities of interest and virtual communities - the journey will test the premise that cooperation - rather than competition - provides the most effective model for change.

It's all inspired by a lovely handbook called the 'Three Tonne Handbook', published by Women's Environmental Network, which shows groups of people how to reduce their emissions with handy sections for food, water, energy, waste and transport.

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Plastic Pollution

This recent story about health risks from plastics in the Indie highlights an issue Helen Lynn, Morag Parnell, and other wonderful campaigners have been working on without praise or publicity for many years. Congrats to all involved. Good to remember that there other environmental stories apart from climate change - and at the end of the day they are all linked...

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